Wednesday, December 14, 2011


 $100 on craigslist

I'd put tiny sailor cats in this.
 $100 on craigslist

These kinda look like they should be in a church. They'd be a beautiful holiday decoration in a great room.
$15 on craigslist

I thought this mirror was too cheap, then I looked at where I'd have to go to get it. I really need something like this in the bedroom and by the back door.

Monday, December 5, 2011

More Craigslist!

1. This cabinet!! I've been looking at blueprint cabinets kinda like this one. I need something in my basement workroom, but I'm looking for something 4-6 inches taller.

$60 on craigslist
2. I can't believe someone hasn't bought this one yet. If I could figure out where to put it in my house, it would be mine.

$40 on craigslist
3. Guitar Lamp.

$80 on craigslist

4. Two dining chairs. I think these would look great with each back piece painted a different color. Or different shades of one color. Or just paint the whole thing gold!

Then put them at the end of your dining table with some plain chairs. 

$20 on craislist

Monday, November 21, 2011


Finally found a white frame to put this piece of my nephew's artwork in.

It's called "Frank." He's a combination of a variety of trucks, trains and snowplows.

I love the bright colors and my nephew.
I needed a white frame to match this one that contains a piece of artwork my sister (my nephew's mom) did when she was in 1st grade.

The small blue piece in the corner is one of many valentines that he made me earlier this year.

New Treasures!

Went to estate sales on Sunday. I think my best finds were at a house in Clayton/Brentwood.

This piece of pottery caught my eye in the basement. I found it online for about $90, but I don't think I'll be selling it.

I paid $7 for the the piece of pottery and...
...these two brand new picture frames, a coil basket kit and a butterfly house kit. All of it $7!

(The white frame has a price tag from Bed Bath & Beyond for $24.99)
At another estate sale I found these bright Ken Scott asparagus placemats and napkins (4 of each) for $3.

Monday, November 14, 2011


After watching this interview with St. Vincent, I picked up Fragments: Poems, Intimate Notes, Letters by Marilyn Monroe. I finished it tonight. At first I was distracted by the grammar, but after a couple pages I reminded myself that the early journal pieces were from when Marilyn was about 17. I thought of all the journals I kept at that age and how they'd pale in comparison. I'm quite certain I was writing about my love for Billy Corgan.

While reading the book I found myself wondering, why were there so many pictures of Marilyn Monroe reading books? Was that a thing? Was it something she liked to be photographed doing?

I cried several times reading this book. I think my favorite parts of the book are the short poems she wrote. I also loved this picture of her at the end. The book says it was her favorite picture. Beautiful.

Heart Pillow

I found a vintage fabric square at an estate sale awhile back. Today I finally turned it into a pillow. The back is from a vintage plaid shirt that was too big for the beard.

Made in Denmark.

The pillow behind it is pleather. I found it at my favorite local antique store Treasure Aisles.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What I saw in KC.

1) While sitting outside an estate sale, I saw an little old couple (mid-60s). The woman was wearing a hot pink velour jacket and pants. She had a leaf blower and was making her way back and forth across the lawn. The man had on a pair of headphones. He was getting a lawn chair out of the garage. He set it up in the driveway and just watched her blow leaves.

2) It was around 10:30 at night. We were driving through a shopping plaza and a boy of about 8 started running on a route that would've gone in front of our car. However, he stopped short at a little island with a tree. As we're driving by, he simply whips it out and starts peeing. We both turn around and see the arched stream and his father standing outside the car about 12 feet away.

3) A friend took me to River Market Antique Mall. As soon as we walked in, I said, "Whenever you need to leave, you can leave me in here." I spent about 2.5 hours walking every booth on all 4 floors. I was really overwhelmed and tried to make wise purchases. The items below I didn't buy, perhaps I'll create a post of my purchases later after they've found their places in our house.

- This was the first thing that caught my eye. I really like old concrete animals yesterday. I almost bought a pink lion at an estate sale, but I thought he was a little expensive. I love that the ears of this little donkey have been knocked away and the metal frame is exposed. It's very sci-fi.

I'd put this lamp in my cabin. And yeah, I picked up that vase in the back. I thought it would've been a great trashcan, but it was too expensive.

This isn't a good picture of it, but this is a corner shelf with a deer on each side.

I love geometric stuff right now. I took a picture of this because I liked the bright colors and wondered if I could do something similar, but with someone's name.


Horse lamp. There were two of them. They'd look badass painted white or black with red eyes. :)

What if Saddam Hussein weren't really dead. What if he was trapped in this lamp.

I like cats.

My BFF loves owls. I did not buy this owl for him though.

Growing up, my aunt was an "Avon lady." I love vintage Avon jewelry and next time I wear some, I think I'll say to myself, "I'm ready for an Avon day."

Are these bookends? I'd put them in a baby's room.

This was a brass towel rack. Match steer on the other end. Love.

I'm going to keep an eye out for one of these at a reasonable price.

I wish I had these bunnies. They remind me of laughing donkeys.

I picked this up. And then set it carefully back down.

I took this picture for the lamp, but now I wish I'd noticed that awesome trash can.

I've shown this to several people and every one of them said, "Tell me you bought this."


Creepy ass lamp. Probably also great for a baby's room.

I'm looking for a Miss Piggy glass for a friend. This was all I found though.

I'd say my boyfriend is probably happy this didn't come home with me.